The top 5 symptoms experienced by business owners and staff when operations go off track:
1) Constant Follow-up
You are constantly following up on things for fear of letting down a client, losing money, and damage to your reputation.
2) Missing or Delayed Shipments
Clients continually tell you that you are either missing shipments or delaying the service, and they may be seeking alternatives.
3) Tension
People in your organisation are under a lot of tension and report feeling under-appreciated as the simple things become more difficult. Solid relationships may start to breakdown.
4) Money
You are not sure where the money went and why you are not making the profit you predicted.
5) Get me out of here
There are times when you feel it is too difficult and you want out.
Remember, these signs are normal for a growing business or a business facing new challenges. There are two choices – to continue as things are or get help to improve. With help you may be surprised how quickly your operations can get back on track.